Stay Informed

Information and Assistance
Information & Assistance (I&A) works to bring people and information together. Information about services available to maintain independence, enhance quality of life and care for self or loved ones is all available through one call to an I&A Specialist. I&A services answer questions and provide guidance about the following:
- What resources and supports are available?
- What opportunities and services are available within my community?
- Am l or my family member eligible?
- How much is the cost?
- Is there financial assistance?
- How soon can services begin?
Education and Outreach
The Area Agency on Aging strives to assist Idahoans in north central Idaho to age successfully. When illness or injury occurs, the AAA can help you become equipped with the knowledge, skills and support needed to manage those issues, for yourself or others.
In addition to making information generally available, the AAA uses outreach opportunities to older individuals, disabled adults, people who are homebound or isolated and their families to provide education about and encourage the use of existing services and benefits. Look for events, speaking engagements, public service announcements, and mailings to stay up to date.
Additionally, the Idaho Commission on Aging (ICOA) provides access to education and information to all through the education portal on their website. The ICOA's education portal is designed to facilitate the necessary knowledge and skills to help keep older and disabled Idahoans living in their own communities for as long as possible. Access it here.
2022 - 2026 AAA Area Plan, PSA 2
Attachment A AAA2 Continuation of Operation Emergency Plan for Area Plan 2022-2026
Attachment B Survey Data. Attachment C Demographic Data
Attachment D 2021-CNA-Report-FinalPlanning and Coordination
Every four years, the Idaho Commission on Aging (ICOA) submits Idaho's Senior Services State Plan to the Administration for Community Living. This plan not only ensures Older Americans Act (OAA) funding continues to be awarded to Idaho, but also outlines the direction ICOA is taking over the next four years in regard to services and supports for older Idahoans.
The current plan is in effect from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2021 and identifies OAA and Idaho's Senior Services Act services and supports available to help seniors and people with disabilities avoid institutionalization and remain as independent as possible in their homes and communities.
This plan identifies how the federal and state funds are allocated to the six Area Agencies on Aging in Idaho and identifies the planning efforts and data analysis that were used in its development.
To see the current Area Plan for North Central Idaho
To see the statewide plan developed by ICOA, Idaho 2020 Senior Services State Plan
Contact Us
Call 208.743.5580 or 800.877.3206 or email for additional information and to determine eligibility of any of these service